Passion for Pygmies
Having grown up on a farm, I was always around animals, and always very keen to be around them, always offering to lend a hand. I grew up, and moved away from home, but eventually found my way back to the country where we now have a small farm. I started out getting some Australian Mini goats, but soon found some pygmys and immediately fell in love with them. So 4 does of course needed a buck, and then I found some other lovely does... et voila... we now have 16 does! I love everything about these gorgeous animals, I would spend every waking minute with them if I could!
Why We Do What We Do
Why breed pygmy goats? First, they truly do give such an immense amount of happiness, and secondly, we want to give everyone a taste of what it's like to feel the happiness that a goat gives! There's a reason people do goat yoga- they are magical.
Every year we are gaining experience with the goats, and becoming more and more familiar with which goats to breed to help us move ever closer to our goal of breeding towards our ideal pygmy goat. I love some colour in our goats, as well as the 'traditional' black and white goats. Watching this happen is so rewarding, and we hope to share that with you.