General Questions

Pygmy goats are smaller versions of what you'd usually consider a "regular" goat. They do not need enormous amounts of room- a quarter acre property would be sufficient for a couple of goats. Obviously the more goats you have, the more room you need, but if you're just after a couple of pets they don't need huge areas.

Goat Care

Goats have a reputation for eating anything and everything, however it is important to ensure your goat is receiving the best possible diet to keep them healthy for many years to come.

I feed my goats a mix of oaten chaff, goat pellets and a handful of sunflower seeds in the morning as well as lucerne hay each afternoon. The sunflower seeds are just an added extra to help with shiny coats. I also give them livermol mixed in to their chaff once a week, and occasionally will feed them maxisoy if I feel their energy levels are low and are needing an extra boost.

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